OSNA Plant Swap and Raffle GraphicSaturday, April 12, 2025 9am - 11am

Every year in April, neighbors of the Old Southeast Neighborhood bring their plants and cuttings to the shade-filled parking lot of The Chattaway Restaurant for the annual Plant Swap.

You will find seedlings, cuttings, and plantings donated by those in our neighborhood. Many of the beautiful landscapes around our neighborhood feature plants obtained from this free event. Bring your own and exchange for another plant cutting you like. The plant swapping is free of charge. Event will be held in The Chattaway parking area. 

This annual event is definitely a neighborhood favorite. The Chattaway graciously hosts this Old Southeast Neighborhood Association (OSNA) event in their shade-filled parking lot and provides a lovely outdoor space for Old Southeast residents and friends to gather. Neighbors are asked to bring plants and cuttings - as well as other unused gardening items (such as pots, tools, décor, etc.) to trade or to just give away. Many of the beautiful landscapes around our neighborhood feature plants obtained from this free event.

Everyone in the neighborhood is welcome (everyone, that is, EXCEPT invasive plants - here’s a link to a list of plants that are not welcome: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topic_invasive_species. Plants are identified, labelled, and placed in the swap area as people arrive. 

Neighborhood plant experts are on hand to offer guidance, and educational information is also provided during the event. When you leave the Plant Swap, you’ll know exactly what it takes for your leafy loot to not just stay alive - but to thrive!  And while this event helps folks learn more about their plants and how to care for them, the Plant Swap is also an amazing way OSNA helps build community within our neighborhood because - much like our plants - Old Southeast is thriving, too!

Raffle Too

A raffle to benefit Old Southeast Neighborhood Association (OSNA) is also held each year at the Plant Swap. Previous raffles have included premium plants from local nurseries and gift items from local stores and restaurants. Most recently, members of the Old Southeast Artist Enclave have generously donated their artwork as raffle prizes, and the proceeds are a valuable source of funding for OSNA—which enables us to provide neighborhood event at minimal or zero cost to participants.

Each year Frances Gatz and Roger Telschow do a fabulous job organizing this event, along with talented team of volunteers to make this botanical bonanza a smashing success.

The Annual Plant Swap & Raffle is just another example of how the Old Southeast neighborhood is a creative, caring, and unquestionably cool community.