Join the Old Southeast Neighborhood Association
Membership in The Old Southeast Neighborhood Association is for residents and owners of property in The Old Southeast neighborhood that are at least 18 years old.
Help Support the Old Southeast Neighborhood Association
OSNA is a 501(c)(3) volunteer organization which aims to connect neighbors, promote community pride, foster communication, and encourage cooperation between the city and its residents.

The sale of items in our store help fund the causes we support and the fun activities we organize.


Old Southeast Neighborhood Porch Flag

Everyone now knows Old Southeast is the best neighborhood on the planet, so let’s FLY OUR FLAG!

This beautiful, double-sided flag, also called a banner, was inspired by the original Old Southeast heron logo as seen on the metal street markers throughout the neighborhood. The perfect accent for any home that allows you to show your love for our community while helping support OSNA. 

  • Size: 28” x 40”
  • Price: $55

Fun Flag Fact: The original design was created by Debby Hill, former OSNA President. Joni Schinske, former OSNA board member, and Fonda Sabin, current board member, collaboratively worked to get the flag produced: Joni developed the graphic design, and Fonda coordinated the effort and assisted with color selection.